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The School community of St Tereza Kajaguzo celebrated a lot when they saw the Masons of Brick by Brick starting to renovate their Primary school.As usual Brick by Brick through its sponsors in the USA received funding to renovate a classroom block at this school. The community also contributed sand, water, meals for the masons and any other manual or unskilled labor. Currently the masons are fixing windows and doors. Soon they will embark on plastering the walls. The renovation is likely to take one and a half months. The school administration and community is extremely grateful for the support from Brick by Brick Partners in the US.

materials ready for plastering and flooring

Masons planning to fix the window

Fixing the window

Putting on a new roof

Brick by Brick 3rd Annual Board Retreat

Brick by Brick Board Chair Adam Rabinovitch leads retreat Brick by Brick's Board of Directors met this past Sunday for its 3rd Annual Board Retreat. Over the past three years Brick by Brick has invested time and energy in attracting an active and dedicated board. Led by Board Chair Adam Rabinovitch, this year's retreat focused on re-thinking the way we communicate our work and mission. Brick by Brick has been engaged in innovative projects that challenge the traditional way non-profits work in the world of development. How can we most effectively tell our story in a way that will expand our community of supporters? The board also worked on developing a new volunteer program that will expand our work, while providing an opportunity for us to partner with members of our community who share our passion for sustainable change in the developing world.


A training of P.6 female students was conducted at UMEA primary school. The training was to help them understand how to use an Eco-San toilet and its advantages. From our research and the experience of others using this technology we know that success is dependent on proper usage and maintenance. The trained students will be able to teach other students how to use it. This is a pilot facility and it was designed for a small part of the school population to help us learn as much as we can about this technology and whether it can be operated effectively in a primary school environment.

Brick by Brick Program Manager Max Ssenyonga training P.6 students of UMEA P/S
Max training P.6 students of UMEA P/S
Max in class training
Max in class training
Max taking students to the Eco-san toilet to show them how it works
Max taking students to the Eco-san toilet to show them how it works
Max showing students how the chambers work
Max showing students how the chambers work

My Pad Project: Empowering Girls with Knowledge and Skills

Brick by Brick Uganda has launched a new project to help girls and young women learn about their own bodies, while creating their own re-usable menstrual pads. In Uganda, as is true in many parts of the world, women often lack access to simple yet expensive menstrual hygiene products. Every month, many female students are forced to miss days of school, with direct impact on their academic progress. In 2012 Brick by Brick Uganda funded a needs assessment to research this problem and inquire from the girls themselves, about a practical solution. Thus, the My Pads Project was born. With assistance from Peace Corp volunteer Aditi Desai, and led by Kalsizo's own midwife and Brick by Brick staff member, Nalango Susan Kyambadde, we are implementing this educational and practical course as an after school program in three primary and one secondary school. So far the program is a smashing success, with great attendance and participation at every session. Our long-term goal is to integrate this program into the work we do at all the schools participating in the Brick by Brick schools program. At each school, teachers are being trained to carry on this program, consistent with our mission of sustainable change. Congratulations Nalango and to all of our partners for making this program a success!Students at Matale Hill Primary School making their own re-useable menstrual padsStudents and teachers at the Uganda Muslim Education Association (UMEA) Primary School learning together

Construction Continues at UMEA Kalisizo Primary School

Brick by Brick Uganda has been partnering with the UMEA Kalisizo Primary School for the past five years. Over that time, we have built a rainwater harvesting system, providing clean drinking water for UMEA's students and staff, constructed a library, built an energy efficient kitchen and renovated multiple classrooms. Now nearing the completion of our work together, we are building a large multi-purpose building that will provide classrooms, a study hall,and a performance/assembly hall. From the beginning, with matching donors, the students, teachers and parents of the Kennedy-King Elementary School in Brooklyn, New York have helped to raise funds for this important work that has literally re-built UMEA. Projected completion date: November 30th! The work beginsand continues


Brick by Brick Construction Company under the instructions of Brick by Brick Uganda have started constructing a multipurpose hall in UMEA primary School. This School  is  a sister school of Kennedy-King  Elementary  School in USA. The students of this school are extremely happy for the Multipurpose hall that was started  on Wednesday. The pupils  had a problem when it came to the examinations: they had only classrooms which were too small  according to the regulations of the Examining Board. The Parents too are happy because they had no meeting room that could accommodate them all at the same time. They are now very happy to see that a hall has been started,  which will release them of this burden.  In addition, this hall will be used as two separate classrooms when the hall is not being used for other functions.

Soon next week two similar construction projects will be starting in the newly selected Schools, Nakasoga primary School and St. Tereza primary School, to renovate their classroom blocks.  The renovations will include installation of doors and windows, concrete floors, plastering, and some roofing.  These two projects will be the first in a series that will bring the two new schools up to the standard of Brick by Brick schools.

The Masons have started the foundation of the Hall.

The Masons have finished the foundation,they have started the building (Hall)
The Masons have finished the foundation,they have started the building (Hall)


The Masons are erecting the wall of the hall.
The Masons are erecting the wall of the hall.



Brick by Brick construction company has finished the construction of a pilot Eco-san toilet at Uganda Muslim East African (UMEA) Primary school. Teachers and students are eager to learn how to use it. As a pilot project a small group of older students will be trained and will use the facility, so that it does not fill too quickly. It is made in such a way that the liquids and solids cannot get mixed up. Immediately after defecating ash is poured into the solids chamber to prevent the smell and to make it dry quickly. This mixture can be used as manure after a period of six months. Removing this manure is simple because the pit depth is only 3 feet, as you see in the photos. This is the first Eco-san toilet that has been constructed in the area.

Masons fixing the pipes for urine and water
Masons fixing the pipes for urine and water


Inside of the toilet

the back of the toilet showing two doors where waste can be removed when it has turned into manure

side view of the toilet showing the fixed pipes for urine and water



As we mainly belive in examples from our Superiors, Dr.  Dan Murokora , the executive director of Brick by Brick Uganda has not skipped that.Brick by Brick Construction  Company recently built two 10,000 liter ISSB water tanks at his home in Ntungamo district in the South West of Uganda, allowing Dan to support the organization and sell it to his community. Indeed this is a great achievement. Congratulations, Dr. Dan Murokora!

issb picture




It is interesting to see that the use of INTERLOCKING STABILIZED SOIL BRICKS (ISSBs) has gained some popularity, because of being environmentally friendly and still being economical.

Marianne Martin, a Peace Corps Volunteer, and 'Foundation for Youth Development' (FYDe), a Community-Based Organization in Rubirizi District, secured a grant from the US Peace Corps to train a local youth group in ISSB-making and rain water tank construction.  They called upon Brick by Brick Construction, which has over two years of experience using ISSB technology, to conduct the training.  Brick by Brick's masons worked with the youth to construct two 10,000 liter water tanks at primary schools in Kichwamba Sub-County using a curved ISSB press purchased with funds from the Peace Corps grant.  This press, along with a press for straight ISSBs, will stay with the youth group so they can continue their work.

Peace corps Marianne Martin watching youths learnng how to construct the rain water tank

Members of FYDe collecting water for the water tank construction

Members of FYDe collecting water for the water tank construction

The coordinator Brick by Brick Uganda monitoring the constructed water tank

Marianne Martin Peace crps volunteer looking at the constructed water tank
Marianne Martin, Peace Corps Volunteer, looking at the finished water tank


In Matale St. Andrews Primary School, two fuel-efficient rocket stoves were constructed by Brick by Brick Uganda. The school community of St. Andrews Matale Primary School was very excited to see their firewood-saving stoves working very well. These firewood-saving stoves have the following qualities:

1. Produces no smoke, so the kitchen is free from smoke.

2. Triples the cooking speed, i.e. instead of taking 30 minutes to prepare food on an ordinary stove, this one takes only 10 minutes.

3. Reduces the amount of firewood needed by 50%.

The teachers were very grateful to their sister school Hannah Senesh for the funding. The students were also excited and started replicating the stoves, as you will see in the photos. And they were calling themselves ‘Brick by Brick’ because they were able to make their toy stoves.

Student replicating the firewood saving stove
Student replicating the firewood saving stove

Toy firewood saving stoves for the Students around the big stove



On July 4th all the NGOs in Uganda were invited to exhibit what they do at a trade fair, which was held in Kampala, the capital city of Uganda, at "Hotel Africana", one of the city's famous hotels. Brick by Brick Uganda was one of the organizations invited to present. The trade fair attracted many people, and it was wonderful the way the participants responded to Interlocking stabilized soil brick (ISSB) technology, which was exhibited by Brick by Brick. What the participants wanted most was to know that this technology can provide  people with clean water and sustainable sanitation.  They also appreciated that it is environmentally friendly (no cutting of trees) yet very cheap and long lasting compared to other structures within the communities.

Proscovia  (our new Office Administrator) at the exhibition stall

Other exhibitions at the Fair

The Start of Brick by Brick’s Eco-San Pilot Project

After a year of background research and preparation, the first phase of Brick by Brick’s Ecological Sanitation (Eco-San) Pilot Project is set to begin next week.  In contrast to most other sanitation systems, Eco-San systems view human waste as a potential resource and focus on making these products safe for use as fertilizer.  When used correctly, Eco-San facilities can be cost-effective, environmentally sound, long-term solutions to the sanitation problems facing many of Uganda’s schools.  However, these systems are also a bit more complicated to operate than traditional pit latrines, and the idea of using human waste as fertilizer often creates some uneasiness and can be difficult to accept.  When these facilities are installed without enough education and training, things can get a little messy… Brick by Brick’s Pilot Project will introduce these systems at two of its partner schools, Kalisizo UMEA and St. Andrews Matale Hill.  In the project’s first phase, we will be working with Robert and Neema, two researchers from Rakai Health Sciences Program, to conduct focus group discussions, for students and for parents, in both of these schools.  We will be talking about the Eco-San concept and what people think of the idea.  Important issues and themes that emerge from these discussions will help us to develop effective, comprehensive, and context-specific educational sessions about Eco-San facilities.  The educational sessions will begin in August and September, as Brick by Brick’s masons are building the facilities.  After construction, we will continue training the school communities, and we’ll keep a close eye on how the facilities are being used.  After several months of operation, we will have another round of discussions, so that we can look for any changes in community members’ opinions and knowledge regarding these systems.  If the pilot project proves successful, the installation of Eco-San systems could become a standard part of Brick by Brick’s school program.

Over the next year, we will also be conducting a number of other research activities related to Eco-San systems.  Look for more updates in the coming months…

An Eco-San facility installed in Uganda (photo courtesy of Uganda Water and Sanitation Network)

My Pad Project Launched

Smiling GirlWritten by Susan Kyambadde, Staff Midwife at Kalisizo Hospital and Member of Brick by Brick Staff

On July 12th, Brick by Brick Uganda hosted a training for all of the teachers that will be involved in the My Pad Project. This new program is intended to teach students about their reproductive health, while providing young women the opportunity to make their own re-useable menstrual pads. We trained a total of twelve teachers - eight Senior Women teachers and four Senior Male teachers from Kirumba Primary School, Matale Hill Primary School, St. Andrews Secondary School, and UMEA Kalisizo Primary School. Each teacher was taught life skills, the menstrual cycle, and how to make a reusable menstrual pad. By the end of the day all of the teachers managed to make a sample of the reusable menstrual pad, even the male teachers! The male teachers embraced the training components just as much as the female teachers did, suggesting this project has real potential.

Overall, the training was a success. All of the teachers expressed great interest in the project. Additionally, the teachers expressed their appreciation towards Brick by Brick Uganda for implementing a project that would educate all of their students and would provide a sustainable solution to help their female students manage their monthly menstruation.

Meeting with Our Masons

Brick by Brick Executive Director Marc Sklar with our team of skilled masons Brick by Brick Executive Director Marc Sklar traveled to Uganda in June to meet with our staff and monitor progress on our many projects. A highlight of the visit was a lively exchange of ideas between Marc, Program Coordinator Max Ssenyonga and our team of skilled masons. Brick by Brick Construction is a for-profit company utilizing environmentally-friendly technology in the building of rainwater harvesting tanks, sanitation systems, and small-scale buildings. All of the profits are re-invested in our community-based projects.

A huge part of our success is the dedication of our team of masons. Traveling throughout Uganda they work hard to realize quality construction for all of our clients. After acknowledging their hard work, there was a lively exchange of ideas on how we can improve our company. Many of the ideas focused on worker health and safety, which has always been a priority. Since its founding in 2011, Brick by Brick Construction has had a goal, to build a healthy learning environment for Uganda's children, while providing jobs at a fair wage for our employees. We value the input of our masons and for the past two years we have been able to show our appreciation through our profit sharing plan. We look forward to growing our company together in the coming year.


To continue in the support program to Schools whose infrastructure needs renovations, St Tereza Kajaguzo Primary School was also identified as a school in need of assistance to improve its structures. Brick by Brick Uganda is very busy with the preparations needed to start renovation work of this school, because the classroom blocks are in bad condition (as shown below), and the kitchen is not up to standard. Water in this School is also a problem, because there are no rainwater tanks, and the shallow well they have is old and breaks very often.

Brick by Brick will be using Interlocking Stabilized Soil Brick (ISSB) technology to improve on the poor condition in this School. The Community is interested and committed to being involved in contributing what is possible for them (unskilled labor, local materials, and other items within their reach).

The classroom blocks that need renovation

Dr. Marc looking at the Kitchen



In the Support Program  to Schools whose infrastructure needs renovation, Nakasoga Primary School was found to be a school that needs assistance improving its Structures. Brick by Brick is busy with the preparations needed to start the renovation work of this School, because, along with the classroom block (shown below), even the staff quarters are in bad condition.

Using ISSB technology, we will be able to assist this community, which has already been significantly involved in the planning process.  When the construction projects begin, the community members will continue to be involved, providing the materials, time, and other resources that they are able to contribute.

The school block that needs renovation was started some years back and was not completed



The Masons were very much excited to see that they managed to finish the UMEA Kitchen in Kalisizo primary school within three weeks. As soon as they had finished, they were surprised to see me coming with new green uniforms instead of the orange ones they were used to.

Surprisingly they dressed up and posed for a photo.

Although Brick by Brick is famous for constructing low priced, long lasting, and environmentally friendly water tanks it constructs beautiful buildings using Interlocking Stabilized  Soil bricks (ISSBs). Take a look at the new three-roomed Kitchen.

Masons finishing the kitchen

Masons posing for a photo

Masons looking at their work (the beautiful kitchen)


For the last three weeks "Brick by Brick Construction Company" has been in Fort Portal constructing two 10,000 liter water tanks for "Virika School of Nursing", and training the students and staff of St. Josephs Technical Institute in ISSB technology.

The students learned about making the ISSB Bricks, the construction skills needed to build rainwater tanks, and the maintenance  of the water tanks.

Surprisingly, they also made a new Brick Press with the help of their Instructor Brother William, which they can use for future projects.

It is interesting to see that they learned what they paid for (brick-making and tank construction) and even what they didn't pay for (fabrication of the brick press), yet it was the greatest achievement.


Brother William posing with the students having fabricated the press successfully

Brother William an Instructor in St. Josephs Technical Institute showing the new press
Brother William an Instructor in St. Josephs Technical Institute showing the new press

The students of St. Josephs Technical Institute busy learning the skills of water tank construction

Mobile Masons

Over the past several months, Brick by Brick Construction has worked on projects all across Uganda.  In addition to our work within and around Kalisizo, construction projects have also been completed in Kichwamba (southwest), Arua (northwest), Bukomansimbi (south-central), and Kumi (east).  This geographical spread would not be possible without our dedicated team of masons, who are willing and eager to travel to these distant sites, many of which are several hours away.  Just last week, after finishing two 30,000 liter water tanks at Ngora Catholic Parish in Kumi District, the masons immediately proceeded to Fort Portal, on the other side of the country, to begin construction of two 10,000 liter tanks for the Virika School of Nursing.  Our Program Coordinator, Max Ssenyonga, is also in Fort Portal right now, helping to ensure that this work, funded through a United States Peace Corps grant written by Jeanne Hodaian, is progressing smoothly. Many thanks to Max, who works tirelessly to secure and coordinate these projects, and to our group of devoted and committed masons, who make the projects a reality!

Finishing up one of the tanks at Ngora Parish



Making bricks for a house in Bukomansimbi (photo courtesty of Up4s Foundation, our client for this project)