Students Excited Upon Successful Completion of the My Pads Program — Brick by Brick

Students Excited Upon Successful Completion of the My Pads Program

The excited looks on these girls faces was incredible! They had just completed the fabrication of their own Re-usable Menstruation Pads. (RUMPS)  This was the final class of a 7-week program that educates girls in primary schools regarding reproductive health.  Throughout the program we addressed topics such as: Healthy Choices, Adolescent Pregnancy, Puberty, HIV/AIDS, and other STIs.  The girls have been incredibly responsive to this program thus far: providing thoughtful responses in class and picking up on the making of their RUMPS quickly.  

After the success of the My Pads pilot project last year, we have completed this second phase in two schools: St. Tereza Kajaguzo Primary School and Nakasoga UMEA Primary School.  The initial results of the post-course tests have been very promising with a solid improvement of scores from the pre-test.  We are very excited to continue and expand this program in the coming year.

(The Students of St. Tereza School during their completion of the My Pads Program)
