Brick by Brick Partners with Link to Progress to Provide Water for Rural Communities

Water.LTP Tank Complete.24.6.14 Water.LTP Tank.24.6.14Link to Progress (LTP) is an organization that works with Ugandan communities to improve access to safe water and sanitation. In January, Brick by Brick successfully applied for a grant from LTP to build a number of rainwater harvesting tanks in the communities around Kalisizo. This grant funded the construction of three 30,000 litre rainwater harvesting tanks for local primary schools and ten 10,000 litre rainwater harvesting tanks for households, which will serve over 150 family members.

We began by conducting water, sanitation, and hygiene education sessions for the different school beneficiaries, teachers, school-management committees and members of participating households, who would now have access to safe, clean water. In these sessions, proper usage of water for sanitation and hygiene was emphasized.

The schools, as well as the surrounding participating communities, have made significant contributions in labor and materials to make this project a success. The project will be especially beneficial for children, who have been collecting water from sources that are far away and often contaminated. We expect the health of these communities to also improve, as the incidence of a number of water borne diseases should be reduced as a result of our work.